Who runs this?

New_ Public started in 2019 when co-directors Talia Stroud and Eli Pariser asked themselves what thriving publics need from digital spaces. Deepti Doshi joined as Co-Director in 2022. Everything written in the newsletter is signed by the author.

Head of Editorial: Josh Kramer

What is New_ Public?

We’re a nonprofit R&D lab that’s reimagining social media. Join us in building digital public spaces that connect people, embrace pluralism, and build community.

We are researchers, engineers, designers, and community leaders. We want more healthy, flourishing spaces on the internet. We have two main strategies to achieve this: helping local communities across America create more flourishing digital spaces and developing prototypes for digital conversation with public service media organizations.

We work by partnering and co-designing with community stewards (moderators, administrators) and public institutions. We’re in this to serve, remove obstacles to power, and make life significantly better for people, especially folks from underestimated communities. We think this work is essential for democracy.

This newsletter allows us to dive deeper into specific themes that interest us while bringing together a bunch of diverse, smart voices in one place. We’ll be in your inbox every two weeks with nuanced, thoughtful takes on what the future of digital public spaces might look like and fresh new ideas about how to get there.

Join our community

We’re forming a community of people who care about building the next generation of social media platforms and rethinking online connection.

You can find us on Mastodon, Instagram, LinkedIn, Bluesky, and Threads, but the best way to follow along is by reading this newsletter.

Subscribe to New_ Public

We’re a nonprofit R&D lab that’s reimagining social media. Join us in building digital public spaces that connect people, embrace pluralism, and build community.


Writer // Illustrator // Cartoonist Head of Editorial, New_ Public
Digital placemaker and ecosystem builder. I have been working to build a more human social web since - well - the beginning. Technology changes, humans don't.
New_ Public Co-Director
Product partnerships @ New_ Public
Designer, Writer, Economist
Partnerships @ IDEO Play Lab
Digital Content Producer at New_ Public
We’re a community of thinkers, designers, and technologists building the digital public spaces of the future.
New_ Public co-director
The Poetic Warrior Multi-Intentional Scholar, Artist, and Vanguard
strategist, educator, and community designer who focuses on public engagements with art, the Internet, and archives to build sustainable ecosystems.
🌱Nudging what's possible for people and places online and off. ✨A neighbor, noticer, auntie, friend, teacher, citizen, and curator. 🔭 Design, strategy, and facilitation for flourishing organizations and services. Design director and doula
coffee & community & the great outdoors • now: urban planner for the internet at New_ Public, board at Technologists for the Public Good • always: civic technologist & designer