Yes! Commodification, for one thing, has made blogs far less fun. And it feels much harder to build trust than it used to be. Trust is so fundamental to online friendship, and it felt good to see that represented in the book.
Yes! Commodification, for one thing, has made blogs far less fun. And it feels much harder to build trust than it used to be. Trust is so fundamental to online friendship, and it felt good to see that represented in the book.
Trust is fundamental to EVERYTHING. It's by far the largest non-recognized asset on the balance sheets of all the big tech companies, like Google and Amazon, for example.
Yes! Commodification, for one thing, has made blogs far less fun. And it feels much harder to build trust than it used to be. Trust is so fundamental to online friendship, and it felt good to see that represented in the book.
Trust is fundamental to EVERYTHING. It's by far the largest non-recognized asset on the balance sheets of all the big tech companies, like Google and Amazon, for example.