> We’ll need to further unpack how these shifts fit into a capitalist structure, but there’s no doubt that whether it’s our inside jokes or the speed of our microchip developments, the need and desire to play are major driving forces.
Hello, could I (humbly) recommend https://play.radardao.xyz/ from RADAR where we have a whole section dedicated to unpacking play and capitalist structure? And to your point about games, if you don't feel like reading, we have playsheets for this section as well.
And if you have any comments or feedback, would love for this to be an ongoing discussion as well!
Thanks so much for engaging and for sharing your recommendation. I'm already enjoying the invitation to doodle on the report. :o) I'll take a deeper look and share back any inspiration or ideas that come!
Let's go Keren! You can be my backup fourth base infielding LEGO duck builder any time!
> We’ll need to further unpack how these shifts fit into a capitalist structure, but there’s no doubt that whether it’s our inside jokes or the speed of our microchip developments, the need and desire to play are major driving forces.
Hello, could I (humbly) recommend https://play.radardao.xyz/ from RADAR where we have a whole section dedicated to unpacking play and capitalist structure? And to your point about games, if you don't feel like reading, we have playsheets for this section as well.
And if you have any comments or feedback, would love for this to be an ongoing discussion as well!
Hi @SheShallConquer!
Thanks so much for engaging and for sharing your recommendation. I'm already enjoying the invitation to doodle on the report. :o) I'll take a deeper look and share back any inspiration or ideas that come!
Yes, please do! Would love to continue the conversation! Would love a report about play as something to play with rather than just something to read.